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Crap indeed...

This flash was pure nonsense. Extremely short and It didn't give me a thing. Ok grtaphics though, and sound was ok too. Atleast could you tell me WHY we should obey the ClockCrew.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

originally this was gonna be more then what it was, but I lost interest(originally he was gonna show a clip from the clockcrew which looked great and then he dissed it, then he would show a foamy cartoon and rave about how good it was, then the clocks murder him...)but I lost interest in it, it was sitting in my files for about a month, then I just simply took what I had and blew him up...


It really wasn't that crappy. I mean atleast it was original, and the drawings weren't that bad. And the music was good too.

nazibomb responds:



Awsome graphics. And a great theme. Very accuarate WWII fighters. I liked the idea of the pilots being foxes. Just awsome.

Neat graphics

The graphics looked really good I thought, and It have an ok feeling about it. I know that this was originaly an e-card, but Isn't getting a present with a bomb in it a little banal?

Mopsicle responds:

Explosions = fun!


Definatly a respectable flash. Very original and fluid animation. I didn't really like the looks of the Nazi-slayer though.

The plot though is beyond words banal. I don't think that a movie simply dealing with slaying Nazis is so interesting.


Wow. Great work on the 3D effects in the beggining, and great graphics overall. I like the style overall too, and the music fitts really well. What I don't like is the "Preview" feeling you get aboiut this movie, It's really just a sort of intro, and nothing acctully happens.


Fucking cool movie man. Great concept of the whole movie, It's always fun to see Jesus Christ fight against people. (Sorry, I dunno who colin is) It was very fun nontheless, great idea taking that old churchsong and giving it such fun lyrics.

Your graphics were kind of cool. Fun how you mixed photographs and handdrawn pictures. The graphics weren't acctually that good, but I guess that was your intention. Anyway it wasn't essential for this animation to be good, and the crappy graphics made it even more hilarious.

Thanks for the humor.

Nice theme

Well this definatly was a good, original idea. I thought it was a bit short though, and it basicly just had that one joke. I liked your graphics and the voiceacting was very good too.


It's ok. Graphics are ok and it's pleasing to see your style in your drawings. The animation though, I'm sure it was your intention, but it's really "shaky", which gets extremely annoying. Kinda cool concept though, and your "blood splashing" looks great.

The plot though, yet again, is a bit mediocre and the aniamtion is too short.

Livecorpse responds:

yep if theres one aspect of a flash worth attention its the blood

I wouldn't call it good...

I liked the circus theme. Your graphics are ok, but they do look a bit too much like the powerpuff girls. Which is bad. Anyway it's too short and too poor in it's plot to interest me really. I mean a guy that throws a knife on a person... I also thought that the animation went too slow.

The multiple ending is ok too, and without that the animation would be complete crap.


Age 38, Male


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