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The only one that needs too free your mind is you.

Once again I'm sick and tired of you dragging little old Foamy in your flash. Why the hell can't you make something else? I mean always the same old jokes, smae basic idea...

This wasn't acctually as horrid as the other Foamy episodes though, I liked the Matrix theme.

Newgrounds flash shouldn't be iformative...

Sorry dude but this was just so friggen boring. I wan't to enjoy myself on NewGrounds, not get informed by basketball injuries. Idon't really like anything with this flash, the character looked really bad.

SeXy-SiMo responds:

Here's an idea. Why don't you read a bit? I said if you don't wanna learn anything, don't watch it. Yet you were stupid enough to click on "watch this movie"

Here's the deal. Why don't you learn a bit more and appreciate people's work and stop bitching cause you don't get entertained!


I didn't like it. The animaton in the begging was ok I guess, but the movie itself is total crap. Nice to see some voiceacting, even If I couldn't hear what they where saying, and the quality of the sound was awful.

To improve:

1) Get a new microphone
2) Have a plot
3) Work a little more then 2 minutees on your flash+ make it longer

Really bad

I don't like this total mess of hiphopstars and KFC pictures mixed with your prebube flashanimations. Bad music too...


But the animation gets boring since there's basicly just one picture and the same jokes through the movie. Lipsynching was good, but It would be better if you drew Kobe yourself.

Nice flash.

Your graphics are pretty cool, even if I don't like the design of the deamon, but I liked the fires from his mouth. Very nice plot, 3D scene with the skyscrapers was really well done. Good fitting music too.

Kind of cool

The graphics were bland, but some of them looked really good, I see youhave taken some effort to animate them. I like the fires that comes from the characters hands. Music worked fine but the sound was awful, I don't know if you where trying to be funny or what? Also, Newgrounds has enogh previews and trailers.

Not good

But nothing exactly bad with it either... Nice job with the sprites, I thought they looked cool. What I don't like is when they talk, it looks very bad with with the talk bubbles. Also, couldn't you atleast TRY to do something original...

It wasn't bad

But just because it have Kirby in it and have pretty good graphics doesn't mean that it's a great movie. Not really my homor too...


Age 38, Male


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