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Well another freaky flash of yours I guess. The style is unique and so is the artork and music. Different I guess, but it's really something magic with all your flash.


Well that flash was.. pretty boring I guess. Nothing wrong with the artwork, that is somewhat original and looks good. It's just that the flash is so short and pointless. It gets boring to read that text. Maybe you could have get someone too narrate it? Also the music just stopped in the middle. I was left feeling that this was a bit rushed and unfinished.


That was an extremely awsome movie, the graphics are cool and original and the style is great too. Didn't make much sense though.

Unoriginal Foamy Bashing, anyone?

You know what I'm sick and tired of everyone bashing illwillpress and his characters. He is just a smart guy that makes a lot of money on a mediocre cartoon, and anyone that would do a movie like this is so deadly jealous of him.

Other then that you cartoon wasn't something special, illwills voice sounded strange and Foamy wasn't funny.

And if it's so friggen easy making something like the Neurotically Yours series, why don't you do it yourself, instead of bashing down on other people's work? If you could make money on your original cartoons, trust me, you wouldn't hesitate.

Also, all publisity is good publisity, so by making this YOU help illwillpress to publicize his movies. The more people hate illwillpresse's works the more merchandize he will sell.

Crownjo responds:

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Pretty bad...

Wow, the graphics really don't appeal to me. The concept of this flash though seems ok though, and the voiceacting was slick, just work on your graphics, and for the low of good- don't make them in MS paint.

LORD-AnThRaX responds:

all the characters and stuff were hand drawn and scanned actually, then filled with paint pro

Solid cartoon

It really had a unique feeling to it. The hairball thing got a bit groose, but it was still good. Pretty good jokes, and the plot was fairly advanced. I liked all the details too, like when when he bounced into the door. The grpahics were also neat, and I really liked the design of the cat and the frog.

Not bad

It was allright. It had a very unique style to it, and the graphics and music were pretty good, even though I couldn't always hear what they were saying, and therefore it was a bit hard to understand itentierly. Maybe you could have subtitles?

Solid stuff m8.

That was really good. A very good idea to make Michael Jackson into Santa. Graphics are good, and the jokes are just fabolous, and voiceacting is great. The little green guy with the corrupted teeth were so funny. And priceless when Micheal was beaten up. Just great! :D


Age 38, Male


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