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680 Movie Reviews

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Great start...

Yeah it is indeed a great start. Graphics, style and music is great, and wonderful how you set the mood. I did acctaully miss some shadings in your pictures though.

It's defintly a good preview, but I'm not a big fan of pointless preludes and the "one man..."- thing is overused too.

Your getting there...

You animation technique and drawing skills are, I must say, impressive, and I know that it's really hard to draw it as good as you do. All you need now is color, or atleast that that their bodies are filled in with something, as it is now it really doesn't look finished.

Otherwise it was a pretty good story and a great idea...

Wierd. And not too good either...

Wel lan ok flash I guess, I like flash with a message. The animation looked to strange though, and the music was not that good either.


Well certainly a wierd flash,but it was still very nice watching all that random animations. Maybe you could have made it funnier, and had better graphics...


Pretty cool. It was a pity I couldn't hear most of what they were singing... But the graphics were good, and the music went perfecly in sync with the animation.


Great style, and I really like your drawings, they were very detailed and also good voiceacting.

Cool graphics

Well I really liked the scene in the begging of this, like a moonlight sonata. Great style and I loved the concept, art is great, and so is the music. It was like the calm before the storm, then the music made an rough turn and their comes a solar beam, and the city is turned into ashes. Well I didn't quite understand where this came from, were you trying too symbolize the end of the world?

Anyway sweet flash.

Pretty... lame

Well I can't say I liked this animation, and I didn't really laugh either. The voiceacting is exaguarated and unfunny, and It all just looks like someone is trying too be like LegendaryFrog.


That must be of the most pointless movies I've ever seen on NG. The art was very much under average, and the aniamtion was just complete crap.

I've though for a while now and I can't find a sigle thing about this aniamtion that was remotely good.

ryguypie responds:



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